
MUST SEE! Coolest People on EARTH
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

*ahem* blog readers = funny!
David Thorne isn't Mr Thorne from Canning Vale College
its just a random David Thorne! ^______^

but both of them are equally cool in different way!

This guy is one funny chap!

He pwn your ass x1000000000
you wish you were as cool as him!

&& look at the time the e-mail was sent..
when he stat that he was away on leave XD
2 mins apart!



Just needed some humour before I start yapping about my day!


Hope you have a great day on Sunday & hope it all goes well!
Its better if I not go, cause its going to be weird & i'll be lonely! x)
hahah, anyways...

I enjoy yapping with you in childhood studies!
I find it really fun && your an interesting person!

I believe we have some very good old MSN conversations! (Y)
Anyways, good luck for UMAT! (Is it UMAT?)

Anyways, your one smart girl!
&& just work hard towards whatever you want to achieve..
you know you can do it, yeah?

YEAH?! ^____^
Hope this Sunday will be loads of fun for you!!

P.S: TOTALLY SUCKS that your not going to be blogging =.=
I mean, WAH! =.=

Ciao birthday girl~


2 more days of school before my lovely 2 weeks of holiday!
This 2 days is going to be insane!

Human Biology test!
Discrete test!


I have been studying alot for human biology because I am finding genetics hard. It could be the EASIEST subject for lots of people but its not THAT easy for me. I haven't even started studying Maths yet. *cries* And, I'm getting C's in both those TEE subjects! Bleh!

Mr Thorne is one awesome human biology teacher! When we came back from the assembly, he told us that we are all AWARD WINNERS in his eyes. Nice, right?
you wish you had a cool teacher like me! (if you don't have Mr Thorne!)

&& to be REALLY honest, I don't like asking Mr Mulligan questions?
cause I feel so dumb for some reason -.-

I know, I know..ask him && you'll look dumb for 5 minutes
don't ask and you'll be dumb for life...


Maths exam correction!
Miscellaneous 9!
Childhood Studies powerpoint!

^ It looks little
BUT yesterday, I didn't save my powerpoint and I went to shower and my mum off my computer without even saving and I lost 6 pages of work that I typed a few hours ago.
(Yes, I cried! ;____;)

&& I was so upset I decided not to continue doing!
6 pages of information just GONE!

I didn't even have drafts to just type it up again..
super 'ma-fun' thanks to my lovely MOM!

P.S: Mum, if your reading this, GO AWAYYYY!

So thursday = VERY BUSY!

IF I finish ALL my homework by Friday, hopefully friday will be an awesome day!


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Happy birthday!

stop it. stop it. stop it.

please accept my decision leh! -.-
i don't want you to view it at all, feel like its invading my privacy
i know, what privacy right? =.=

personal privacy, not for a MUM to know! kthx!
only family member that can read is MARIE ZHANG...

good bye!

cyaaa in real life!

&& if you don't respect my decision and keep viewing...
&& i won't tell you as much as things as I tell you...


Happy 18th Birthday 2nd Jie Jie!

(even though I now call you pear!)

I think we actually do have some good memories
like 'save the world' when its raining?

&& remember how you packed Pearl into a bag with all your other things incase something happened like a tornado and we had to run for our lives? So you could grab the bag & run? We were so adventurous when we were young! We use to be worst enemy when we were younger, now..I think we just do our own things, we don't disturb each other which is awesome.

Anyways, I hope you have a great birthday
&& the 24 episodes of Goong? Well, they'll yours.



I swear on YOUR life!

P.S: Those boys are HOT stuff! *drools*

Anyways, on 4th July, hope you have lots of fun with your party! I'm sorry but I'm not going ANYWHERE! I'm staying at home with my laptop, you cant chase me outta my own home!

I promise I won't disturb you and your 30+ friends!

I'll just steal abit of food here & there..
&& mind my own business!

P.S: You have been alive for exactly 10,950 days!
FAR OUT your freaking old! o___o

I'm about 8,500+ only!


Dreams are shattered
Monday, June 29, 2009

Everything was going fine, all of a sudden my dreams are shattered!
broken into a million pieces impossible to fix back...
no glue will hold them together..


clearing them up would mean...forgetting about them! 
stepping on them would mean, opening up my wound!

never want to forget about this dream I once had ;___;
I thought I was moving closer but now, I know...
reality smack bang in my face!

splits your heart open, in a different kind of way from once experienced!

&& I cant talk to anyone about it, no one
cause this world judges me too much...


BAH! Not one of my good days..

(short post)
but don't hold your breath...

Today is definitely not one of my good days!

I woke up late today. When I say late, I meant I have never woken up this late before. Thanks to the gay weather. I didn't get much sleep because of the strong wind & rain. The rain kept hitting my window every 5 seconds and the wind? MAD. I thought my house was just about to collapse!
&& everytime I was JUST about to sleep, the rain kept coming..
I swear I got less than 2 hours of sleep. I just kept looking at my clock..
from 12 o'clock, it became 1 o'clock then slowly...5 o'clock..

When I actually slept, my mum knocked my room door really loudly and I woke up startled & I realize how loud my alarm was. FREAKING loud. Could blow off your eardrums. No kidding! Then I looked at the time and you guessed it, had a panic attack and ran around my house like a mad woman looking for her school uniform. I was SO late that at 8:35 when Steph came, I was still trying to put my books in my bag. So my mum sent us to school. Phew!

Damm you insomia! *shows fist*
will a little rain and wind kill you?

I officially don't like winter! ;_____;
I haven't seen the sun in a while, I still have an awful shoulder tan
&& my hands are always so numb, cant even hold my pen properly!


On my bag, I now have a keychain of a voodoo door with needles poking its heart. Yeah, that voodoo doll actually means alot to me. Its basically my heart which I am currently sewing up the wounds. And the voodoo? Well, its me! Its going well, don't worry! (Y)


In Human Biology, the topic of Pauline Hanson got mentioned..
She is one racist person, hey?
(just read the ones in red if your lazy!)

Immigration and multiculturalism are issues that this government is trying to address, but for far too long ordinary Australians have been kept out of any debate by the major parties. I and most Australians want our immigration policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 per cent of all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country.

Danger of being swamped by Asians? o___o

How dangerous are asians, seriously?
take gladys & gillian for instance, they wouldn't even hurt a fly!
P.S: Your grandfather was from England. Maybe he should return?
I believe you have 'england' blood. your not true auzzie!
or, are you? nah, you can be true auzzie.

they'll cool, your not.
that's more than enough evidence needed.

Anyways, your speech failed! ^____^
Alot more asians are moving to Australia...

If you don't like it, then TOUGH LUCK MATE!



I think your a pretty cool mum in the virtual world.

I mean you attend teenagers concert? That's cool!
In real life, your really LOUD and intimidating and I do avoid you.
HAHAHA! But we do get along fine on facebook.

Also, hope you enjoy your pink concert tonight! (:
&& stay happy & healthy!

&& yes, no pictures of you :P
I was going to steal one but I decided better not! ^___^


Pssh blog readers! I SWEAR it is a short post!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hey, hey blog readers! What's up?
I actually finished my AIT assignment. I did a 2 week AIT assignment in 1 day. That's what happen when you keep procrastinating even though you know it doesn't work.
never will work...

Monday to Friday = very busy week!
All my assignments and test are in this week so maybe I have to go on a week hiatus.
who am I kidding? :| I know I'll blog...

BUT, my blog post won't be those awfully long ones that I usually have...
It will be short, I promise. (No, not promise. I'll try!)


I cant wait for my parents to go back to Singapore. Seriously need a break from them. Mum keeps annoying me - every chance she gets. When she sees me on the computer, it means I'm not doing my work. I think she forgot that I do Applied Information Technology & Childhood Studies which needs computer basically ALL the time! Bah!

When my parents return to Singapore, I think I can study ALOT better! We'll see!
no one disturbing you..as long as I know I'll study, I'll study!

-post ends abruptly-

SEE! Mum annoying the shit outta me! -.-

If she's not chasing me out of the computer, she's asking me to go do vaccum the floor, if its not vaccum the floor, its mop the floor, if its not mop the floor, its clean the bathroom, if its not cleaning the bathroom, its wash dishes, if its not washing dishes..its throwing away the rubbish, if its not throwing the rubbish, its because she thinks I spend too much time on the computer!

Which states my point I'm trying to say...

When I get peace & quiet = THE BEST!

im a simple girl, simple dreams...
HOPEFULLY, it will come true soon...


Mum: *reading newspaper*
Mum: What is RIP Michael Jackson? He's dead, why still so mean? Want to rip him!
Dad: o___o RIP? *looks* Chey, REST IN PEACE!
Mum: ... (5 seconds later) OH..*silent laugh at herself*
Me: o_______O (get me out of here...)

I should totally sent that in to mymomisafob.com!


10 ways to become a good blogger!
Saturday, June 27, 2009

^ Watch that if you didn't see the Back to the 80's
you missed out alot! (:

Since Wednesday, after watching the back to the 80's musical
deep inside, I will always be filled with regrets..
why? why? why? ='(

&& the next video is especially dedicated jessie! ^__^
learn the singaporean english JESSIE!

&& secondly, to all my blog readers
if I was still in singapore, you bet I'll be talking singlish!

^ I think he's a legend!


Now, I shall start my blog post!

HAPPY 16th Birthday Annie Loo!

I still remember meeting you in year 11!

n1156892921_30177878_6703.jpg picture by inksplash

it was such a long time ago, over 365 days, but seems like just yesterday!
I know we aren't exactly very close friends but you will always be remembered!

Lastly, hope you have a GREAT birthday!
May all your dreams come true & hope you excel in everything you do!

Stay pretty! (:
See you at 5p.m tonight!



teachers are actually killing us with homework.
*drowns in homework*

In year 12, all TEE teacher thinks their subject is awfully important so they keep giving us homework and test, homework and test..constantly reminding us how important it is to past forgetting that we also have other TEE subjects! What are we, robots? Have you forgotten that your subject isn't the ONLY TEE subject!

This holidays, isn't exactly HOLIDAYS for me!
its basically a full-on study holiday!

Parents will be going back to Singapore for holiday && I'll basically be stuck with Marie.
I don't really mind being alone with Marie because she doesn't disturb me.
we both do our own things - that's what I like!

because mum lost my nintendo DS last year, she's getting me a new one!
Note: Its not a nintendo DS, its a nintendo DSi! ^____^

I did tell her, I rather you get me a phone, I don't mind, even a blackberry in exchange for nintendo DS ++ games but she's like NO! Nintendo DS or nothing!

You know why?

Not because a blackberry is more expensive than a Nintendo DSi! I told her, you pay what's a nintendo DS ++ games is worth and take the rest out of my bank and help me buy it because phone's in singapore are cheaper..but NOOOOOO!

Its because she wants to play the brain thinking games..
so she's getting it for me because of that!

so actually, she's getting it for herself! >:)
but its okay, I wrote down 19 other games I wanted!

Anyone got any good nintendo DS game reccomendation?
share it please!


I am actually starting to miss singapore! :'(
knowing my parents are going back but I'm not..
tsk, at the end of the year, Marie's going back alone for 1 month!
*hugs sobs*

P.S: I'm not sobbing because she's going back! o____O
I'm sobbing because I'm not!

hopeefully next June I would have saved enough money to fly back!

Anyways, putting the sobbing and sulking aside..

I had a few request on teaching people how to be a good blogger..
Firstly, I don't think I'm a great blogger but apparently Jeremy ++ the people who requested me to teach them thinks I am.

«[J]☆ReMy» ت says:
*when i read your posts, i can feel your emotions
*i think...

M a-MAY-zing! says:
*wow, am i that powerful? :-O HAHAHAHAAA

apparently I am THAT powerful! O________O
If Jeremy thinks I'm powerful, I must be powerful!

So, here's a little guide on how to be a good blogger...

1. If your not shy in real life and out-spoken, don't bother being a blogger!
since you can express them SO WELL already, why waste time?

But if your very shy like me! ^____^
Think of blogging as YOU having your say!

something like your moment to shine!
say it now or forever hold your peace!

Everything you wanted to say before but you were too shy?
SAY IT ON YOUR BLOG, type it up!

don't worry if its too harsh, blah blah..

If you do history, hitler? he uses strong words too right? o__o
or wrong, well..apparently he was THAT convincing!

2. Blog = personal voice!

blog & people will read...
your blog readers at the beginning will just be your friends..
but you gain blog readers here & there && even perverts!

3. Don't blog about teachers! ^____^
very important! unless you like to create drama!

I don't find anything wrong with blogging about the subjects but don't blog about teachers! Dalena told me last week that her brother Danny blogged about a teacher and another teacher read it and told the other teacher, 'how can you be so unfair & stuff'..&& tried to stand up for danny then danny got told off by the teacher he blogged about. Now, their school..the teachers 'google' their names and when they find something nasty, they will find the students and have a serious chat with them.

P.S: I'm kinda worried too since she told me about that!
If ANY of my year 12 subject teacher google their names...

i'm pretty much screwed! they'll hate me if they haven't already...
or even more than ever before =(

but I tried to be literate! :(

4. Add a tagboard

By adding a tagboard, blog readers/friends can comment about their opinions on whatever your blogging about. Also, you will start gaining blog readers from other countries so if you like to make new friends then, blogging is a good way!

But giving out your e-mail address on your blog = attraction for perverts!

The only reason why I put my e-mail there is I actually don't mind making friends. I mean, I scored 2 awesome friends - Nicole and Debbie, right? && Its only because I met 2 awesome people that I will continue putting my msn on my blog.

P.S: My block list on MSN is 34 since the start of this year!
that's how bizzare it is! im not kidding!

5. Be patient!

Don't expect to be a good blogger in a short period of time. You have to keep blogging and find the perfect way to make your blog interesting. For me = ranting! For you, it could be pictures! Also, be patient with achieving blog readers! Slowly, you'll gain a few silent readers - mind you, don't bother talking to them or askiing them to tag you on your tagboard. They are 'ghost'. They read & they leave. Just ignore them! =P

P.S: A way to know who are your silent blog readers..

(e.g. my past blog post, I wrote about a chair incident & a teacher falling right through)
i didn't give the name of the teacher BUT if they really want to know..

They will come up to you & said..
'Who was the teacher who fell through the chair?'

Then you'll know! I had like 4 people ask for that! ^___^
so I didn't actually save my teacher's dignity cause I told them.

6. No one tagging you on your tagboard?

If you have a counter for your blog, like for example, mine is nuffnang? You can see how many people view you on an average daily basis. Also, at the end of the post..you coudl try putting a question there and HOPEFULLY! *crosses fingers* You get a response on your tagboard!

7. Blog counter too low?

Then don't blog! ^__^ kidding!

Do a little 'advertising'. You can put your blog link on your msn personal message, you could put it on your facebook or your profile on myspace. I don't know, do whatever you want. BUT, more advertising could mean, more trouble! ;)

Think hard about it before you advertise!
once you start advertising it, even if you remove your blog link..
people have it! that's why its too late for me to remove mine

8. Comment other blogs

When your first starting out, its good to read other people's blog! You learn from them and how different people blog. On the right hand side, I have a link to my friends blog. Go click on a few names and read their blog post, then comment them about their blog post and leave your blog link there. By doing that, you stand a better chance of someone commenting on your blog.

you don't exactly have to comment my friend's blog ONLY
you can comment basically ANY blogger who has a tagboard!

P.S: Talking about commenting, does anyone know why I can comment my own tagboard ONLY if I go to the website and comment there but I cant comment your tagboard?

Somehow, it says ERROR! Please try again later.
Mm, help! ^____^

9. Constantly blog

How do you gain blog readers? Imagine if you blog once per week, chances are..you will have very little blog readers but if you blog daily, if someone reads your blog and like it. You bet they'll come back and read it again, and again! ^__^ You also don't have to blog EVERYDAY like me! I'm just someone that procrastinates a little too much, at times!

10. Enjoy blogging!

If you blog for a while and you don't like it. Don't continue! Because your blogging career won't go far. You must have a passion for blogging! ^___^ Blogging is like a job, if you don't have passion for a job, its going to seem more like WORK than enjoyment!

Also, I was just kidding! ^____^
That wasn't exactly a guide on how to be a good blogger...

I was just ranting about anything that popped up in my head!
cause im cool like that!

eww, its due on monday

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Michael Jackson WAH?
Friday, June 26, 2009

My dad is super hilarious! He came back from work and he told me a conversation he had at work which turned out to be really hilarious. A friend of theirs is called 'Michael' and they gave him the nickname Michael Jackson. So today, Michael called my dad up in the morning and told him that he wasn't going to be coming to work today and to help him tell the boss that he will bring an MC on Monday..

Dad: *working on car*
Dad's friend: Alphonsus, did you hear about Michael Jackson?
Dad: Yeah, I heard! He's sick!
Dad's friend: Nooo! He's dead
Dad: HUH! Dead?!! Michael died? But he called me earlier..
Dad's friend: Michael Jackson called you? o____O
Dad: Oh you mean the REAL ' Michael Jackson!


P.S: I've been chewing too much chewing gums, now my jaw hurts

P.P.S: My laptop is gay! I cant comment you guys! >:(
amanda, mandy, jessie, annie, gwen, andrea, wei xiang..

~ off to complete assignment!


The big news of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson died of a cardiac arrest and paramedics were unable to revive him.
Just 50.

:o my gosh, he has so many die hard fans.
they would be crushed!

A sad day to mourn!

The King of pop, will always be remembered!
for his songs & his oh-so-famous dance!


I'm off to get ready for school now!

R.I.P Michael Jackson!
the dance shall live on!

be back later~


Clique Drama
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thanks for cheering me up. I feel so much better!
(: What you said was really true...
appreciate it!

Anyways, now that I feel better, I shall continue blogging!

Got back my english exam paper, FINALLY!
Apparently the passing mark was below 50!

So I definitely PASSED! *wide grins*

Ms Pereira has been absent from class since tuesday!
I mean, I love it when I get relieve teachers..fer sure!

BUT, I need to do well in English...
&& your not here to guide me through english!!
If I fail my next in-class essay, your fault! :'(
so you better come back soon, like TOMORROW! -.-


Maths can shoot itself in the head!
I don't even want to talk about it, not worth my breath

Blogging in art! ^____^

heh, everything has a first, doesn't it?

My leavers jumper says a-MAY-zing so obviously through the use of BIG letters. It is obvious that my name is May but apparently to the middle school kids it is abit confusing. So there they were 2 metres from me constantly saying MAY! MAY! Irritating much?
felt like asking them to shut up

Then 1 of them comes up to me and ask, 'Is your name, May?'
I looked at her and said, nope ^__^ Its June.

So she's like oh okay *walks off*
I mean, seriously, does she actually believe that?

So we were all laughing at the fact that she 'actually' believed me. Steph's leavers jumper says STA so steph said, If someone ask me if my name is Sta, I'll tell them its MOON!

i hate middle school kids >:(


Steph: Hey, where's my pencil box?
Me: box? *laughs uncontrollably* You mean case?
Steph: Fine! Pencil case..

I laugh at Steph too much XD

-post ends abruptly-

Ms Whiteside chased us off the laptop! ;____;
So I spent the rest of the hour helping a classmate paint her surfboard.

its funny how I don't mind helping someone paint her surfboard,
but I won't do anything about my surfboard..


Look, I told myself that I wont be petty over small things. So I have been controlling every little thing that piss me off and now I am like a volcano (not as fat as a volcano - of course), just about to erupt! It is our LAST year of high school, we will NEVER be able to experience high school recess and lunch once we go to university. So, I don't know abou you guys but I would miss it madly so I don't understand WHY the year 12 seems to be going UPSTAIRS alot to 'study'? Wait, just to make the record clean, everytime I go up there..not ALL of you are doing work! THAT IS A FACT. Its USUALLY either your 'pretending' to do work and only 1 person is doing work OR you guys are hiding under the table eating. I mean honestly, wouldn't it be nicer to eat freely than hide and eat like a rat? If your going up there constantly and you prefer to have your conversations there without the year 11 then so be it! Okay? So be it.

After talking to Jessie yesterday on MSN, I realize, I don't want to keep going up there just because ALL of you do. Going upstairs, all I see if chatting and mucking around and only 1 person doing work. At first, I tried not to be petty and I went up there to hang out with you guys, but after a while..I realize, you know what? I am becoming like you guys. And, I don't want to be like you guys. You guys may not be THAT close to the year 11, I may not be too anymore. But I think its just really STUPID that you are doing the same thing as the year 11 but in a different location. I thought we were a group but I guess 1 person meant alot more to you guys than the whole group. Very disappointed! *wipes off tears*

Maybe I don't mean much to you guys...

I understand, its cold. I understand you guys have homework to complete but going up there ALMOST everyday? HELLO? Slacker much? Just because 1 person goes up there does not mean everyone should accompany them upstairs? I mean, that's just my thinking..I find it very rude to make everyone 'suffer' just because you need to go up there to complete work. Maybe its not suffering to you guys and may be you guys don't mind it, maybe you guys ENJOY it? I don't know. But YOU, YOU & YOU are my closest friends, I've been through thick and thin with you guys.

How do you think I feel when you guys keep going up there?
=/ I feel pissed not being able to hang out with you guys...

I feel very annoyed!
&& I'm sorry I have to tell all of you this, but if I don't..
I feel like I'm holding something in and its really a burden

Also twins, right after I told you how I felt about everything and you said you'll come hang out at lunch..did you notice that 'mysteriously' it became our whole group in the end? ;)

Think about what I said in Childhood Studies!
I digress.

After typing this, I'm no longer in the mood to blog about other things...



Back to the 80's!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My apologies!
Turns out tomorrow isn't the LAST day, its friday.
thanks for that info ^__^

Back to the 80's was SO GOOD!

omgee, totally worth $15!

I loved EVERY single bit of it..
from the storyline to the singing & dancing!
Last day tomorrow! (grab your tickets!)
I think its so good that I'm trying to convince my 'rents to come.

Sadly, I don't think there will be anymore musical this year ='(
but they did such a good job!

kudos to everyone involved in that musical!
teachers..performers, backstage crew..everyone!

Okay, off to do some studying! ^___^


I don't care

I don't give a damm what YOU think about me! ;)

Back to the 80's musical tonight! Yes, please!
cant wait! ^__^

Awfully busy next week!
Tons of assignments and test to complete, so little time!


Teachers are so intimidating!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I don't know which is funnier...

The fact that every Tuesday, my English teacher seems to be absent...
o____o mysteriously!


I still haven't got back my English exam results back!
22 days later...


1 more day till BACK TO THE 80's!
cant wait, cant wait!

My heart stopped for a milisecond today in childhood studies.

they scare the shit outta me!

Today, I was in Childhood Studies and I went on blogger hoping to get my blog post done by the end of the session when suddenly I saw the reflection of Ms Hirschberg standing behind me. She was staring at my laptop then she slowly went down to eye level to my laptop and I swear my heart literally stopped. Apparently Yeemon said my face was priceless! I looked like I just shat myself. Bah! That was so intimidating! I'm scared of her now.

NoHeart.jpg No Heart image by Mephisto216

I am the lamest person you will ever meet. Lerlyn & Yeemon can justify that from today's CHS session! I spent 1 hour laughing at jokes, telling jokes, laughing uncontrollably at jokes that I remembered suddenly.

Q: How do you wake up lady gaga from her sleep?
A: Poke her face (Poker face)

Kudos to Michael for that joke!

Okay, here's a joke to all my blog readers...

One day, 3 nuns decided that they didn't want to be nuns again so they went to find the priest.

Priest: If you do not want to be a nun anymore, you have to do something wrong

so the 3 nuns left...

The next day, the first nun came back and the priest said, 'what did you do wrong?'
I stole a boy's bicycle when he went inside the candy shop...
That was very wrong, you are no longer a nun. Drink this holy water.

Later on, the 2nd nun came...
'What did you do wrong?' asked the priest..

'Father, I stole a magazine from the news agency
Okay, drink this water & your no longer a nun. So the nun did that.

By then, the priest was getting a headache when the 3rd nun arrive
'No need to tell me what you did wrong, just drink the holy water'
The nun refused and he said 'FINE! What did you do wrong?'

I peed in the holy water yesterday when you said to do something wrong!

Don't be offended by this jokes. I don't care if your offended, really.
If your offended, your missing a sense of humor! ^___^

Who invented jokes?
does anyone know?


I was a loner in art today - semi! Lerlyn needed help with the printer so she called me & I was reluctant to get up! Who knows which ji bai will steal my chair again. So I took my bag and put it on my chair. (Yeah, just laugh at me!) Then I told Lerlyn when we return, I would get a dirty chair with my bag on top of it. Then when we returned later, I made Lerlyn look at my chair and nothing changed at all! I still had my clean chair with my bag on the top of it.

She thought I was crazy!!

but im not crazy guys!


I know, I'm one weird kid!

Today I was walking to Human Biology when I saw Gwen. So I was just casually talking to Gwen. i don't know if its just me but her body kept going lower and lower to the ground and her hand was fiddling around in her jacket like she was suffering a heart attack or something. BUT she looks fine! Happy and cheerful like always. A MILLION THINGS WENT THROUGH MY HEAD! *looks away* I was like o___o Should i ask if she's okay? Err, crap! My legs are so cold, if she needs medical help, I don't think my frozen legs can run that fast to the teacher's office. Should I walk faster so if she collapsed on the floor, I wouldn't get blame?

(I know, I know! I'm a weird kid! My brain thinks too much! That explains my insomia)

Then mysteriously like she just read my mind..she's like 'I know it looks weird but I'm finding my ipod'. Then she pulls out her ipod from under her jacket. I didn't know if I should laugh at myself for thinking she was suffering a heart attack.

o_____o *touch wood*

School is really making me go cuckoo!

Okay, I'm off to complete my homework that's due tomorrow!

Weird kid signing off!~


English Lecture!
Monday, June 22, 2009

Hey guys!
Back from Curtin, I'm tired and basically just exhausted!
english drains all my energy!

I'm not going to recount every single thing that happened!
because a lot happened...

We had 5 lectures for the whole day...
The first lecture took about 10-15minutes of our recess which wasn't cool!

I went to the main cafeteria to buy my lunch and before I was even half done, the teachers left and asked the rest of the CVC kids inside the cafeteria to follow them. We followed the teachers to the next lecture and turns out we were VERY late! We were like the last big group to arrive! So the lady asked me to fill the seats in the last row while she made the rest of my clique move to the empty seats at the front. HAHA. So for lecture 2 & 3 which was in the same lecture theater...I was all the way at the back surrounded by all 3 teachers. bah! -.-

The good thing is, I got to know my grades for English, and I didn't even ask for it.
Yay! ^___^ *pats B grade* (Your good enough for me!)

&& the bad thing about sitting beside a teacher is..
you cant draw pictures, you cant talk to the next person beside you..
you cant pass notes & comment how boring the lecture is!

&& if you do, you probably get *evil glare from teachers*


Okay, not naming ANY teacher! ^_____^
but I have to blog about this, so I can read it again one day & laugh...

You know how in the lecture theater, the chairs curve into the seat and to sit on it, you got to pull the seat down before you can sit on it? Yeah? Well, she stood up to find someone then she proceed to sit down again but by then the seat already curved up so she just fell straight through and that was HILARIOUS when you had the best view to watch it, right beside that person! LOL! Laura & Me just laughed till we nearly died of laughter. You got to admit it was so funny that even she was laughing non-stop with us. d'oh!

At lunch, we wasted 15 minutes finding the main cafeteria..we were LOST, very lost! We just followed the CVC group infront of us and turns out they were following the group infront of them and it was all so messy. FINALLY, we found the cafeteria! ^__^

Sadly, didn't see any hot boys AT ALL! ;___;

Lecture 4 & 5 was terrible! ;______;
My eyes were drooping down like I haven't slept for 2 days...
After lecture 4, we had a 15 minutes break & me and steph slept a little..

&& at the end of the lecture, people were showing off their scribbles :]
it was a good day to find out how creative you were..

Anyways, then we boarded the bus & headed back to school :)
Yeah, that's about it! ^____^

2 more days till..BACK to the 80's!


Blog Quiz
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Remember the girl who I get blog quiz from?
Well, she posted a new one & I stole it again!

What would you do if one day you found out your blog got deleted?
very upset, i guess..
sad. annoyed. angry.

If you had to use another blog name, what would it be?
mm..kriwstal! well, that's also mine! :)

How many unique views do you get in a day?
Use to be like 30+ but now its around..75+

Has any of your teachers/bosses viewed your blog before?
I know of 1 teacher but she's cool (Y)

What happened when they read your blog?
nothing, don't worry didn't get in trouble or anything..
but i think she saw the part where I was ranting about her subject..

Would you like other teachers/bosses to read your blog?
err, heck no! I rant too much about how much I hate my subjects...

they will kill me if they found out how much I hate their subjects
not the teacher - that is! just the subject!

Would you like to be a famous blogger if you could?
to a certain extent, yes.

Will you ever stop blogging?
Yeah, one day..it will be bub-bye..
or maybe if I get in trouble again *shrugs*
would just end my blogging journey faster

If you could choose a celebrity to view your blog, who would it be?
oh, oh, oh..there's so many! cant choose! ;___;
(they aren't really good in english..)
WANG LEE HOM (Y) cause he's superb in english!

Which blog readers does your blog tend to attract?
Err, people from CVC? A few have came up to me & said...
'hey! guess what..i read your blog..'

my reaction: ... oh, ho-kay! am i in trouble? <>
turns out 99.9% out of the 100% of the time, I wasn't XD

im actually very troubled right now...
im not sure what I should do :(
someone help me!


Doing homework on Saturday! EWW!
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Firstly, what a shot!

I'm pretty sure no one has gotten such a shot of Cassie before. She looks so cute here and she hates taking pictures. D'oh! Also, kudos to Annie for the picture. Annie always looks stunning in pictures so I hope she doesn't mind me putting the photo on my blog.

Cassie! Save this picture and put it on your face book!!
your facebook has been screaming for a picture for AGES


Err, I spent 3 hours doing maths & all I got done was Misc 7!
Cant believe I spent 3 hours doing 3 pages..13 questions!

I still have so much things to do..

Check List!

Misc 7 (Maths) http://www.asgbi.org.uk/glasgow2005/images/tick.gif
Misc 8 (Maths) http://www.clker.com/cliparts/8/0/1/9/1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.thumb.png
Maths exam corrections http://www.clker.com/cliparts/8/0/1/9/1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.thumb.png
AIT exam corrections http://www.clker.com/cliparts/8/0/1/9/1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.thumb.png
Childhood Studies http://www.clker.com/cliparts/8/0/1/9/1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.thumb.png
Applied Information Technology http://www.clker.com/cliparts/8/0/1/9/1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.thumb.png
Human Biology http://www.clker.com/cliparts/8/0/1/9/1195445329999867155jean_victor_balin_cross.svg.thumb.png

I have a feeling I won't be blogging tomorrow...

So, monday..I'll be going curtin for a WHOLE day for a english lecture.
7 hours of english - (not sure if I can cope with that!!)



P.S: Ey blog readers, I am a little bit worried about something ;___;
Its been bothering me for a few days now..

What should I do?


Yay! Finally, its FRIDAY!
Friday, June 19, 2009

Yay! Its Friday! (:
been waiting for this day since like Wednesday...

The weather today was super shit!
The wind? Oh my gosh, SHOCKING!

It was so strong I felt myself walking sideways..&& the middle school kids kept screaming every time the wind blew! Why? They were quite tiny and the wind was super strong. I'm sure it nearly swept them off their feet. My hands are always cold, they feel like ice. It is terrible because when my hand gets too cold, it becomes numb. Therefore I always have to resort to asking Lisyn or Stephanie for one of their hands and I hold their hands for about 5 seconds until my hand warms up. (And no, im not a lesbian!)

Anyways, because of my boredom this past few days, I did a really long blog post that is basically about me! Everything about me, not you! Those that are daily blog readers, you could probably save time and not read that. But yes, I typed that up in a period of 2 days because I was bored! If your currently bored or procrastinating against homework, scroll down and read it.

(Trust me, you probably won't waste your time reading the whole thing)

During childhood studies, I published my long, long post that I finished my yesterday night. I was shocked at how wordy it looked. But then, Gladys, Gillian and Yeemon got to read it first. Not that there should be any new information there that they probably don't already know. (Yes, yes..I never do any work in CHS!) Don't worry, I'll do it this weekend!

Anyways, I slept in English today! Yesterday, we started watching the movie and today, we had to re-watch the movie AGAIN from the beginning! Because 3 people weren't here yesterday! Such a waste of my time! If you know me, I hate re-watching movies! I mean, I don't mind watching it again after like 2 months but not in the period of 1 day! So I attempted to sleep sitting on a chair with my hands supporting my head, and I did actually get about 10-15 minutes of sleep. I think Ms Pereira knew I was sleeping. She didn't seem very pleased with me after that. She seemed a little grumpy, hope it wasn't because of me. (sorry!)..but then again, not everyone is a morning person! So I'm not sure if it was because I slept in her class.


After recess, I told my clique I had Maths but Gladys, Gillian, Lisy and Stephanie insisted they had Maths. So I bid them goodbye and headed to art. When I got to art, I saw year 11's walking inside and I was like o__o I don't have art! So I was crap! What do I have now? Human Biology? No..I don't have that today..English? Already had that! Maths? MATHS! So I hurried to class, thanks to those lovely friends of mine. At first I was angry at them because I thought they lied to me but turns out, they walked to Maths and realize that had English. So, all's good! (Y)

Maths, oh gosh. I don't want to do the discrete TEE exam. Its too hard. It hurts my brain! I cant cope with that. I hate probability! What the probability of me passing the discrete TEE? 1/4! I actually pity Maths teacher because they have to teach Maths for like the WHOLE day! But then they always seem to enjoy teaching Maths, how weird! (Don't pity you guys anymore!)

I spent my whole art lesson playing with Samiya's default games on her mobile until Ms Whiteside caught up to us and asked her how are we going with our art. Opps! I told her the truth that Me and Samiya would start doing it 1 week before its due and she's like 'NOOO! Do now so you get a better result.' Aiyah! Lazy! So I didn't take her advice and played games on my calculator. Mind you, my calculator has the COOLEST games ever. I have Snake, Space Invaders, Pac Man, Checkers and Box Man. Sometimes when I'm REALLY bored in Maths, I do play games on my calculator but to all my other classmates, I'm just typing numbers on my calculator but noo..I'm playing games!

-ish very bad for me-


Lunch was err, same as recess. Freezing! My legs were like jelly, very weak. My teeth was near to chattering and my leavers jumper didn't do any good to me. I was still freezing my ass off. Note: Monday, wear a scarf! ^__^

Last session, I had AIT. Not fair! Not fair! The Accounting class beside us had a guest speaker so they didn't have to do any work. But us? We had to do work. Tsk, pretty sure my teacher should get a guest speaker in for us!

Anyways, in AIT we were talking about the Woolworths self-serving counter..

Ms Thomas: Have you guys been to the Woolworths at Livingston?

Everyone said yes when Ms Thomas asked then it came to Kevin...

Ms Thomas: Kevin, have you seen the self-serving counter at Woolworths?
Kevin: No. I have NEVER seen it
Ms Thomas: Do you stay near the Livingston Woolworths?
Kevin: No. I don't live around here..
Ms Thomas: You should drop by Livingston and check it out.
Ms Thomas: Where do you work at?
Kevin: Kelmscott Woolworths
Class: LOL

Super hilarious!
He has never seen a self-serving counter and he works in woolworths!

Anyways, have a good weekend guys~

I have so much homework to catch up on its not funny!
If I don't get my homework done, my teachers will eat me for breakfast!
&& I'm sure you guys don't want that, do you? or else I cant blog anymore


About Me! (Longest post ever!)

Are you bored? Up to this challenge? This post is FULL OF WORDS!
&& the challenge is you attempting to read this...

Well, I'm not good in starting introductions about myself but I'll attempt it anyways. I'm May and I'm seventeen years old this year but my brain is the size of a seven year old. I was born 4 days before Christmas in a hospital like how most people I would expect would usually born in. My parents decided my name would be 'May' because they wanted their children names to start with 'M'. Apparently at the time I was born, the only name they could think of that started with M was MAY. Aren't they cool? =.= My full name is 26 letters long which is exactly the same number of letters as the alphabet. I don't really like my name, in fact it annoys me sometimes. Some of my teachers likes to drag the 'y' when they say my name so it sounds like 'MAYYYYY' which makes me sound like an annoying kid. I don't think I am THAT annoying, really. Some of my teachers have really cool accent and when they say my name, it sounds really awesome - I like.

Anyways, I go by a few nicknames that have changed over the years. I have a collection of nicknames given to me by my friends like..May June July, JJ (June July), May May, RawrrMAYYY, MAYonnaise, Superma'am, a-MAY-zing (current). When I first migrated to Perth, I attended Campbell Primary School for a year before moving to Canning Vale College. I'm the kind of kid that gets chosen last in sports when picking teams. sucks, but you get use to it after a while. I've had like a million cliques in my life & finally in year 11-12, I am able to stick to one clique. You could say that when I was small, I was a tom boy. I was the kind of kid that loves game boy, beyblades and pokemon while barbie was a no go zone.

My very first ambition was to be a pokemon trainer. Mind you, I was 5 years old at that time! The ambition ended when I told my mum, and she told me there was no such thing. However, even to this day..when someone ask me 'what do you want to be when you grow up?'..the thought of being a pokemon trainer still looms in my mind. Watching television has changed my ambition a few times..when I saw border security on TV, I thought it was a really cool job to be searching people's bag for drugs as they pass through custom so I thought, Mm..I think I want to be a custom officer when I grow up. Then when I watched Bondi Rescue, I watched the lifeguards save people's life and I was like WOW! I want to be like them - a hero! So I thought, a job as a lifeguard sounds neat & exciting. Currently, I'm a fan of Masterchef and I'm thinking about being a chef and creating all this wonderful meals that people would love eating. Yum! The newest show that just came out - 'Recruits', I watch how people became a police officer and just the thought that EVERYDAY is different & exciting gets me going! YES YES! That's the job for me.

Music plays a huge role in my life. Honestly, it means SO MUCH to me as an individual. Now, not any ordinary music. I believe that chinese music holds the most meaning and hearing it just touches your heart and I find it easy to relate to it. I love singing, chinese song - that is! I don't have a bad voice but I don't have a strong voice either, however..if I did have a strong voice, I would love to fly to Taiwan and become a singer. I'm allowed to dream, right?

For someone that knows her strength and weakness well, I know that I am not smart academically. I fail in studying! It annoys me that some teachers groups asians into a 'smart' category and when you meet them for the first time at the start of the year, their eyes looks at you like they expect great results from you. However, after meeting me..I think the stereotypes of asian is quickly destroyed. (Sorry Asians!)

I may seem like a good quiet asian to most people but I've done some things most of you would have NEVER done. Before I moved here, I was quite a naughty kid. I joined a gangster group and learnt to shoplift with friends, canned on the hand by my chinese teacher, wagged school every opportunity I can get, forge parents signature, hit my chinese teacher, vandalize the school toilets, gone to detention, meeting with the principal, shout at teachers and many others endless things.. I think it was just a stage of my life where I was probably at my worse. I no longer hide and deny it around my friends. I think being honest about this is really important because if they accept your faults, chances are..the friendships are able to last. Don't worry, I've told my mum the truth about most of them last year..&& apparently she was aware of some of them. So that explains why my family migrated to Perth, right? Right.

Because I never had a good relationship with any teachers in Singapore, I have a dislike for teachers overall but strongly dislike them if they are chinese teachers. My teachers in Singapore never believed in me, they called me useless and 'someone that won't succeed in the future' (mind you, I will prove them wrong!). I've spent most of my days in school standing outside the classroom for disobeying the teachers or standing up for a whole lesson for failing my spelling test. I would say, it was a daily routine I was quite used too. When I moved to Perth, my year 7 teacher was really different. I think he actually treated me as a student. For once I felt like any other normal kid should feel. Studying in Perth, I've met teachers who are racist and sexist and judgemental! I think no matter how much I hate or dislike a teacher, I will still respect as a teacher. *salutes*

&& let's just say...I know more things that goes on behind my back than I really should! ;)

do you think teachers betray teachers? of course, they'll human! ;)

but I think its just the kind of things you just ignore and move on..
as long as you, yourself know its not true, you just go meh!
little drama in life is always good

Also, I think because of the things I've been through in Singapore, a part of me wants to be a teacher, primary school teacher - that is! But will I be able to fully get over all those that happened? Probably not! Its like a scar that keeps on living in you!

I'm currently doing my final year in high school. Its basically the year that tells you whether you make it to university or not so it is a very important year for me! I can tell you, I'm not doing too well at the moment. I hate Maths with a passion more than any other subjects! Maths Makes May Mad! Honestly! In year 10, I had this maths teacher, he use to tell jokes and honestly, Most of his jokes were lame alright! But it usually got a laugh out of me and I didn't realize the importance of it till year 12 when I look forward to a joke to get me through that hour of maths and all I got from my teacher was maths talk. Do'h! :)

A part of me cant wait to leave high school! However, the other part of me is scared and filled with anxiety. Will I make new friends? What if I don't make any friends? What if no one likes me? There are so many WHAT IF that it just boogles my mind sometimes.

Well, random facts you should know about me. I'm left handed and I am very proud to be unique and a little different from 70% of people. I have a scar on my eyebrow that is quite obvious. My fringe plays a major role in my life. It covers up my eyebrow scar and it also covers up my pimples on my forehead. I am forever grateful to my fringe! I have a belly button but I don't have a hole which means I can forget about getting a belly button piercing. *cries* If I don't get enough sleep, I get triple eyelids instead of my usual double eyelids.

I like to spend my weekends at North bridge hanging out at pot black, playing pool, drinking bubble tea, karaoke at Utopia, Timezone, Neoprints. You know, all the Asian things that typical Asian does! (No stalker please. I learn taekwondo!!) I think my ideal day would be drinking hot chocolate from muzz buzz, sitting in front of my computer/laptop while reading blogs and talking on MSN in front of the heater. Its not too much to ask for a simple girl! is it?

The simple things actually makes my day. Someone who I'm not friends with, more like acquaintance comes up to me and gives me a hug and says, you look sad, I think you need it. Can I just say, I'll always remember that moment? Not because I got a hug, but because I feel like someone cares. Most people know that I don't really like giving people eye contact especially teachers (cause they always look intimidating - to me anyways)! I try to avoid eye contact at all cause. But when I do look and they smile, if I smile back, they made my day. Yeah, just like that!

Anyways, if its not obviously I love ranting! Without ranting, there would be no blog readers. With no blog readers, there will be no blog, with no blog there will be no me. That's right! Blogging is actually a part of my life!

P.S: If you read all this then wow! Kudos to you..
P.P.S: What are the chances of people reading ALL of this? 1%?

Yeah, this post is all about ME!

Nothing about you; cause I'm selfish like that


Blogging in school..
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Attempted to write a letter; in ink
I've got a piece of paper; but its empty

I'm ALWAYS doing careless mistakes in Maths, especially in my exams which cost me valuable marks. -.- There was this one question where they asked for the maximum and the minimum. I said minimum was 2 and maximum was 1. FUDGE CAKE! Can you imagine my teacher shaking his head at my stupid careless mistake. Its like ONE OF THE EASIEST QUESTIONS and I manage to get it wrong, not even on purpose. I would NEVER throw away marks like this purposely but some how I always throw them away accidentally.


I want this week to end already. Its like ONE of the slowest week in HISTORY! In class, the clock seems to move really slow - snail pace. Also, my Sunday tuition, the lady in-charge..she wants to know what I got for my exams. However, I don't want to tell her. I should have the right to keep it a secret hey?! Now, now..the reason isn't because I failed Maths! I know I passed English but I don't intend to tell her either results. Maybe I'll tell Ms Ravinder my English results since she's my teacher..but I don't want her blabbing about it to that lady.

This past 2 weeks, I've been driving back home after tuition, I'm semi comfortable with being on the road but I still cant PARK! I cant park AT ALL. Its like mission impossible in my world and my dad makes it seem so easy. He always most does a PURRR-FECT parking whether its parallel or reverse. Guess I'm not going to get my license anytime soon. ;____; Lerlyn says I should just keep practicing and it will come naturally. I really hope so. *crosses fingers*

5 minutes to lunch!! ^___^
i should sign off now from childhood studies...

6 days till Back to the 80's!
cant wait, cant wait!

hopefully its GOOD!
get me rolling on the floor with laughter please :]


Sucks to be year 12
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I re-posted SOME blog post from my private blog..
right hand side column, you can re-read the past history! ^___^

i re-read them && I was laughing at my grammer!
so many mistakes..I need to hire someone good in english
why, mysteriously cassie pops up in my head! <>

I woke up today looking forward to assembly like I have never felt before! Why? I wanted to watch the dances from the back to the 80's concert but turns out, I forgot that we won't be able to get a clear view of the play because we were ALL THE WAY at the back of the gym. The place I was sitting was being blocked by all the year 11 students AND the teachers sitting on chair in the middle of the gym. If the teachers weren't sitting on the chair, I would most probably get a better view! Pfftt..

Sucks to be year 12 hey!

I spent half my time staring at the head of the boy in front of me. Such a let down, oh well..cant wait till next Wednesday to watch the Back to the 80's! We got the front row but apparently taufiq said we should have gotten the middle row.
crap -.-

I'm currently blogging in Childhood studies even though I'm meant to be researching my next assignment. Super boring assignment please! Why did I take Childhood Studies? Because it was either childhood studies OR career & enterprise. Both equally bad! Ahhhhh...CHI DA BIAN!

Anyways, I'm gonna pack up now..
Maths next session! wooo~ *shows joy* -.-

*blows raspberry*


Ah, back at home! ^___^

Maths was surprisingly filled with tons of laughter!

Firstly, a small, tiny good news for me :) Found a mistake on my exam paper and I got an extra 1 mark which is extra 1% BUT still, I flunked Maths and am no where near to passing. But its okay, earning an extra 1% is always GOOD! Totally slacked in Maths, I didn't do ANY work at all, just chat, crack up laughing at the stupid things we say..

This is going to sound LAME to the max!

We were meant to get Mr Mulligan to sign this sheet of paper as the year 12 TEE will be going on an English lecture at Curtin on Monday...so Samiya, went to let him sign the paper

Samiya: Eww, Mr Mulligan didn't even look where he was signing, he just scribbled randomly
Me: o__o Is that his signature? I could totally forge that! *does an exact duplicate*
Samiya: Yeah, its so easy! Anyone could do that..
Me: I could steal his credit card & sign it -.- Then viola! I get $$$ (ka-ching $-$)
Samiya: He's a maths teacher, don't you think he's going to notice something's wrong?
Me: Yeah, I guess. He's a magician. Instead of $100,000, he'll notice it became..$10, 000

-silent moment-

Me: ROFLMAO! I meant Mathematician!

oh blur queen! ^___^
&& yes, our conversations are always this random & strange!


Another day at school...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Some Ji Bai keep stealing my chair in art!
Its SO annoying! ;___;

If I'm gone for like 2 minutes, I will return to art class with my chair being taken! Or, my bag on my chair being moved to a dirty chair! Up yours..whoever you are. You ji bai! >:( You've done it one too many time asshole! Kanasai! Don't you know how rude it is. Nabei. *scowls* Obviously if you see my bag on the chair, it means I'm using it. Who are you to take it away? The president or something?

&& the funny thing, I don't even know who this is directed too...
i don't want to know either, I don't care...=.=


I think Ms Maraldo is an awesome teacher!
Sadly, I'll never have her as a teacher..

She actually makes teachers look COOL! o____o
&& teachers that make me laugh = GOOD! (Y)

Ms Pereira wasn't here today so we had her as a relieve teacher again. We had to read this article, which was SUPER boring! *yawn* But she's super funny. She's like, 'how about let's read it together, I'll read it cause I love my voice'..ROFLMAO!

I love her accent too! (L)

Anyways, this article was talking about coral reef at coral bay up north in Australia and after she finish reading..She's like I want to go there! I thought she was joking but then she actually starting researching about snorkelling && the different underwater creatures she can see there. Then we had a class discussion about the weathers up in coral reef, felt like I was in Geography. HAHAHA!

No one did any work for that session cept maybe Brandon! (Y)
Only boy in our class, what do you expect XD HAHAHA

Everyone was in little groups having mini conversation which was nice.

Me, Anna & Tyla was having converstions about taekwondo && exam results
Talking about exam results, exam results can CHI DA BIAN!


Tomorrow, we have ASSEMBLY! *dances*
&& its the same time as AIT so..NO AIT! Booyeah!
the timing doesn't get any better than this

I'm not sure who decided on the time for this assembly..
Ms Baud? Student Counciliors?


Bye now earthling~


Happy Birthday Nicole!
Monday, June 15, 2009


Hope you have a great day & continue to live life to the fullest.

I know I already told you this on text message but I shall repeat it again..

Thanks for being a really awesome friend!
I can never thank you enough for teaching me to stand up for myself!
By being friends with you, I have learnt ALOT!

Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone to talk too.
If you EVER need someone to talk too, I promise I'll be here for you.
yes, yes..that is nothing but the truth!

I will always remember the north bridge moments with you & Debbie!
you guys are REALLY cool kids! hardcore asians ftw!

I hope to terrorize northbridge with you & Debbie again some day..
Hope your enjoying Curtin this year (:

All the best in everything you do.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yesterday, Annie, Gladys and Gillian came over to watch Dead Poet's Society. All I can say is, I don't really like that show, at all. Except SOME parts were interesting for a wee second then I would start to fall asleep. I think the rest of them enjoyed it except me, ah well.

&& 1 person cried really badly, really badly! ;)
(the tears just kept falling..)

I didn't even understand which part was sad ;___;

If it wasn't for English tuition homework, I wouldn't watch it
&& I think we were meant to write notes on it, no one did.

Then after we watched Dead Poets society, we played Mahjong!
Kudos to Annie for the pictures!

Oh what's that? They stick together! :o

Annie was like the PRO out of us all!

Well, I won 2 games! *wide grin*
Was fun! ^____^


Anyways, won't be blogging until school starts in like..2 days! Mum thinks I've been using the computer too much! && the only reason why I'm blogging right now is because she's not home.


See you guys on MONDAY!


Goong + English = weird!
Friday, June 12, 2009

I cant believe its Friday!

Technically, I just have the weekends to laze around drinking pokka green tea and eating asian crackers while watching goong. *whines* I'm now on episode 10 of Goong, how can I watch ALL the episodes in 2 days? That's near to impossible unless you were Lisyn or Lilyn Tan!

Anyways, today at 1p.m, Annie, Anna, Gladys, and Gillian will be coming to my house to watch 'Dead Poets Society' for our english tuition. (homework) Yeah, nothing better than watching a movie for english! (It would have been even better if we got to choose the movie)


Also, today is the LAST day of the exams!


special good luck to Sta*, Lisyn, Annie && Anna!
oh oh..++ Amanda Low too!

Also, I had a dream last night. It was a weird dream, really. I dreamt that we were in assembly then Ms Baud looked REALLY angry, she said..

'The following people whom name I will call, you will come to the front!'

Then she started calling out ALL this names...

&& then MAY ZHANG! (she pronunced zhang as zang)
weird much! (that's how she usually pronunced my name)

Anyways, then I saw basically more than HALF the year 12's at the front. Even some literature students and 3A/3B students. Then, Ms Baud said, all the people at the front flunked their english exam. Then she goes, there will be a severe punishment! Then Ms Dinoto walks in with a long ruler and then she ask people to stick out their hand and she whacks each one of them.

Then I don't know what happen but when she came to me, I didn't stick out my hand. I wasn't scared or nervous, in fact..I've experience this before! (in singapore) I didn't move but all of a sudden...this bodyguards from Goong crowded around me.

WTF right?

Then this bodyguard told Ms Dinoto something in KOREAN..
I mean, does Ms Dinoto understand KOREAN? I DON'T THINK SO.
&& I had no either what the bodyguards said..

But I immediately woke up after that able to remember my dream.



I think I know why I dream this kind of dreams..I've been extremely worried about my exams, english exam in particular and watching goong for the whole day must have gotten to me.

&& when I read the tagboard, turns out Gladys had a dream too!
(about english too!)
omg i got this freaking weird dream! that we were chased by the english teachers with our folders coz we supposedly failed our eng exams! they were chasing us around like mad! n they looked mad 2!

I wouldn't have shared with you guys my dream if Gladys didn't share her dream.

Anyways, off to err..watch GOONG!


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